Aditivo Para Combustivel Flex 200ml Orbi
Aditivo para Combustível – Flex
Indicado para o uso em motor bicombustível (gasolina/etanol) proporciona limpeza e lubrificação ao sistema de alimentação de combustível do motor, facilita as partidas a frio, promove a remoção de depósitos dos filtros e bombas de combustível, reduz a ação corrosiva do etanol, equilibra a mistura gasolina/etanol, lubrificante válvulas e anéis e auxilia na redução de gases poluentes.
Modo de Usar
Recomendado a cada abastecimento atuando de forma preventiva ou após reparos e limpeza no sistema de injeção de combustível do veículo. Adicione primeiro o Aditivo FLEX Orbi no tanque de combustível e depois complete com gasolina, etanol ou suas misturas. 200 ml do produto ( um frasco ) aditiva até 40 litros de combustível, acima desse volume é recomendado à utilização de 02 frascos ( 400 ml ).
1 Adicione o ADITIVO.
2 Adicione o combustível, para que ocorra uma mistura perfeita.

The history of Distribuidora Bahia known as Disbahia began in 2002 when Mr. Nelson Nunes Pinheiro Filho, aged 56, obstinate entrepreneur, businessman with impressive business acumen, on a business trip to São Paulo was offered an auto parts store that now it had closed in São Paulo, almost two months after the deal, its second auto parts store was already operating in the Bahian capital of forró.
He was in charge of the company for three years in the city of Senhor do Bonfim, when in 2005 he passed the administration of the company to his son Nelson Nunes Pinheiro Neto, 23 years old. dream ¨the conquest of its own headquarters¨ which became a reality in April 2008.
Arrived 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, it was 7 years of investment and internal expansion when the idea arose to include the mechanical services sector in the company. 2 years passed, 2016 and 2017, when construction of the workshop's headquarters began
2019, the big dream 'the new headquarters' is completed, an area of over 5,625 square meters, now the company Disbahia has two headquarters in the birthplace of its children, in the city of Senhor do Bonfim.
Currently, the company, which started in 2002 with only 02 employees, is transformed into a corporation by P&A Corporation, which includes the companies Disbahia Truck Parts, Disbahia Truck Center, Pinheiro Transportes and the Innovators BR BRASIL and TOPMEC plans that currently have more than 40 employees.
The Corporation in 2020 completed 18 years in Senhor Bonfim, land loved by the businessman who built his family and good friendships here, which many contributed to his physical, social and spiritual development in the city.